Events and Opportunities
Introduction to Christ Servant Ministry (All are welcome)
September 12, 19, 26, and October 3 - North District Laity Academy - Sponsored by Methodists United of the Shamokin Area, an in-person, Introductory course is scheduled for this Fall! The classes will begin the Monday after Labor Day and will be held at Elysburg UMC. The instructor will be Pastor Michelle Beissel. If you wish to be part of this event be sure to contact Patty Korbich and request a registration form.
Advanced Training (All are welcome)
September 12, 19, 26, and October 3 - North District Laity Academy - Methodists United of the Shamokin Area is planning to present several in-person courses this Fall! The classes will begin the Monday after Labor Day and will be held at Elysburg UMC. Course being planned are... Preaching 101 (Pastor Dan Siddel), Prayer (Pastor Beverly Petrovich), and Connecting to our Communities (Pastor Alicia Julia-Stanley). While titles are subject to change, the concepts are there! If you wish to be part of this event be sure to contact Patty Korbich for more information and request a registration form.
Although the number of in-person courses is still limited, there are many on-line courses that can be taken for CSM credit. (See "Special Opportunities below.) Some of the opportunities for on-line credit include Tools for Ministry, Basic Sexual Ethics; Emotional Intelligence and Diversity; The Multi-Site/Satellite Model for Churches led by Mike Slaughter; and Both/And: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences For Online and In-Person Audiences. To receive credit for on-line experiences a CSM request for credit form must be completed and submitted no later than 30 days after completion of the course. (Download Request for Credit Form in PDF).
CLM Orientation (More information can be found on the Certified Lay Minister page)
Contact Judy Ehninger, CLM Program Coordinator, for more information
Call: 610-442-3140 or Email:
Special Opportunities
Tools for Ministry Workshops - March 5, 2022
It’s time to open the proverbial tool box again to help build and repair church ministries — to fix what’s broken and improve what’s working. That requires leadership development and training. So the Eastern PA Conference will sponsor its 2022 Tools for Ministry on Saturday, March 5, 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Classes will be offered virtually on Zoom once again during the still problematic COVID pandemic.
That requires leadership development and training more than anything else. So the Eastern PA Conference will sponsor its 2022 Tools for Ministry on Saturday, March 5, 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Classes will be offered virtually on Zoom once again, out of an abundance of caution during the still-surging COVID pandemic. Tools for Ministry is a half-day academy offering two sessions of diverse, dynamic learning for leaders. And it’s open to all laity and clergy. Skilled instructors will provide valuable information, wise insights and helpful resources. Some classes will be recorded and made available later to be viewed again or for the first time by those who want to learn more.
Click here to see the full list of workshop descriptions. Register today before some classes fill up! Advanced training hours in leading that reflects the length of the workshop completed will be awarded to those who complete a "Request for Credit" form. (Download Request for Credit Form in PDF)
2021 Virtual Mission U - If you were part of this event be sure to complete a "Request for Credit" form. (Download Request for Credit Form in PDF)
Servant Ministries Conference Gathering on Zoom - A recording of the February 2021 Servant Ministers meet and greet by clicking here: Meet & Greet Video. If you have questions, please email George Hollich, or call him at 717-838-2812.
Sexual Ethics Workshops - For more information on Sexual Ethics workshops, contact Rev. Jacqueline Hines at, 610-495-6807, or 410-963-1721.
Laity Retreat - Advanced training credit will be awarded to those who complete a "Request for Credit". (Download Request for Credit Form in PDF).
- – hosts online courses approved by Discipleship Ministries for use as an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries (i.e. Christ Servant Ministries). These approved courses are designated on their website as "Lay Servant Ministries" and include a variety of titles including…
Biblical Storytelling I – Beth Galbreath
Biblical Storytelling II – Beth Galbreath
Transforming Evangelism – Debra Dickerson
Rediscovering our Spiritual Gifts – Beth Perry
Leading Worship 101 for Lay Leaders - Dan Benedict
Multimedia Technology in Worship –John Zimmerman
Caring for the Caregiver - Harriet Wilkin
Those interested in registering or learning more about these titles can view and register by clicking on the following link:
Individuals registering for any of the courses should communicate the necessary information with the conference director, George Hollich to insure that CSM credit is assigned. (Download Request for Credit Form in PDF)
Other Events
The Wesley Theological Seminary Lay Academy offers 11 online courses covering a variety of topics including Methodist identity, early church history, Christian ethics, interfaith relations, and the intersection of faith and science. Laypeople can earn a certification in Wesleyan Studies by completing six of the courses online, or can choose to take courses individually for personal education and enrichment. All of the Wesley Theological Seminary Lay Academy courses can be viewed at
Upcoming in 2022 – for additional calendar events in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, please go to –
Evangelical Seminary’s School of Lifelong Learning Institute for Church Leadership offers a series of courses in Bible, theology, spiritual disciplines, evangelism, church history, missions, and counseling. CSM credit can be requested for these opportunities for spiritual enrichment and leadership development. They are open to all without any educational prerequisites. They are not seminary level courses and do not earn credit from Evangelical Seminary. If you wish to inquire about courses please apply online or contact Joel Kime at
For more information on Christ Servant Ministries or CSM sponsored events call: 717-838-2812 or E-mail: George Hollich