The 2004 General Conference of the United Methodist Church authorized the creation of the Certified Lay Minister (CLM) and the designation was included in the 2012 Book of Discipline. The General Board of Discipleship and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry were given the task of working together to develop the basic curriculum and framework for how the program would be organized.
The Certified Lay Minister Program
A CLM is called and equipped to conduct public worship, care for the congregation, assist in program leadership, develop new and existing faith communities, preach the Word, lead small groups, or establish community outreach ministries as part of a ministry team with the supervision and support of a clergyperson. The Certified Lay Minister serves to enhance the quality of ministry, much like a class leader did in early Methodism through service in the local church, District, or Conference. To become a CLM candidate, one must be a Christ Servant Minister/Lay Servant in good standing, with a minimum of two years CSM experience that includes one CSM Speaking Course (or a person with equivalent training as defined by the EPC). Persons who feel the need for more ministry training and responsibility, after consultation with their pastor, approval of the District Committee on Ordained Ministry, and District Superintendent are accepted to begin the program.
Assignment and Recertification
Certified Lay Ministers may be assigned by the District Superintendent to provide lay pastoral leadership, as part of a ministry team, in local churches... but have no clergy rights or benefits. Certified Lay Ministers may be re-certified by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry every 2 years after successful ministry program evaluation (CSM Annual Report) and recommendation of Charge Conference from the congregation to which the CLM is assigned (or, if not assigned, the congregation of membership).
Required coursework to become a CLM
The following four modules must be completed and taken in order:
1. Introduction - Call and Covenant for Ministry — minimum 10 hours contact time
Description: This course includes a Spiritual Gifts Inventory, understanding the individuals call to ministry, Ministry covenant and recognizing ordering for Ministry.
2. The Practice of Ministry — minimum 10 hours contact time
Description: Worship: Styles of Worship, Leading Worship, The Role of Music, Prayer, Scripture in Worship, Praise and Worship – a Performance or Joint venture, Including all Ages in Worship, Worship Resources
Preaching: Preparing and delivering sermons, The Sacraments, Evangelism; its meaning and helping students understand the importance of reaching out to others. Pastoral Care: Visitation, Funeral Care, boundaries and Safe Sanctuaries.
3. Organization of Ministry - minimum 10 hours contact time
Description: Focus on the leader’s task of organizing a congregation for Mission and Ministry. Understanding congregational culture. Leadership, Ministry N.O.W and Committees that work.
4. The Connection for Ministry - minimum 10 hours contact time
Description: United Methodist History, Exploring the Theology and Doctrine of the Christian Church, and the contribution of the United Methodist Church. The connection between the local church, district and annual conference.
Additional requirements include: - completion of Safe Sanctuary Background checks, completion of the EPAC Basic Sexual Ethics course, and completion of Changing Racism weekend retreat.
The above work and requirements are designed to prepare a Lay Person for effective pastoral service as part of a ministry team that will include a Supervising Pastor. Course material may be transferred to the Local Pastor course of study as designated. Students wishing to go further must go through the candidacy process.
The following is the process that will be followed for the Class of 2024...
Class of 2024 Certification 2025
Announcing the Introduction Orientation Sessions
for Admission to the CLM Class of 2024
(Attendance at one orientation session is required for program admission.)
To register for an orientation session...
contact Judy Ehninger by phone - 610-442-3140 or
by email -
An orientation invitation will be sent when you register for a session.
PLEASE indicate a first and second date choice for your orientation.
Introduction Orientation Session dates for April 1, 2024 Admission.
Saturday, October 7, 2023 9:30-11:30 am ZOOM
Thursday, October 12, 2023 6:30-8:30 pm ZOOM
Saturday, October 28, 2023 9:30-11:30 am ZOOM
Monday, November 6, 2023 6:30 - 8:30 pm ZOOM
Saturday, November 18, 2023 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm ZOOM (last session offered)
Contact Judy to register your preference for attendance.
Orientation sessions are two hours in length. Attendance at one session is the first step in the admission process and therefore is considered to be a requirement.
Registration & attendance at one session is required.
All admission materials and requirements will be reviewed during the session. Admission materials (application) will only be distributed to those completing an orientation session.
Contact Judy Ehninger, CLM Program Coordinator with questions, to get further information, or register for an Orientation Session.
phone: 610-442-3140 email:
Looking Ahead...
Tentative Program Module Class Times
The Program Module classes may be offered virtually utilizing ZOOM video conferencing, or in person classes held at the Valley Forge Conference Center. Module classes must be taken in the sequence offered.
Tentative schedule for the Class of 2024
(Dates and times are subject to change based on class make-up and current conditions)
Module 1 - May 10-11, 2024 Friday evening 7-9 Saturday 8-4
Module 2 - June 7-8, 2024 Friday evening and all day Saturday
Module 4 - TBA (possibly Sept 24, 2024) Historic St. George’s
Module 3 - TBA (possibly Nov 16, 2024) 8-4